Saturday, February 7, 2009

Weight loss - the past year.

Since Adam started walking, I felt like I couldn't keep up with him. I made a conscious decision to do something about it. So last April or so I started following Weight Watchers again. I was, at my heaviest, 292 pounds. I lost 20 pounds by June, but stagnated a little. I bought a wii system, wii fit, and started working on that in August. In July I had started using a treadmill given to me by a friend. By September I had lost another 40 pounds, by doing lots of exercise, and LOWERING my portion sizes and carb intake. By Christmas I was down to 190 or so, and since then have gotten down to 162.

I owe it to making a conscious decision to improve myself, and made healthy living a habit. Along with lots of prayer on my part for strength to accomplish this goal, Jesus told me that I can only witness to others if I improve myself first. Life is about being a good steward of what God has given you.

So now it begins...what choices are you going to make?

Posted by ShoZu

1 comment:

susan said...

I want to thank you for the encouragement. I've been curious about your success. I'm glad to have read your blog. I've struggled with my weight for over 20 years. Out of every book or article I've read, every weight loss group I've joined I've learned one most important thing and that is to exercise. I especially appreciate that you've committed yourself to hearing from God. I find my strength in Him. None of us can succeed on our own strength. I'll be praying for you to lose that last 10lbs. I have about 40lbs to lose. Pray for me. I'll keep you posted on my success. Thanks again for sharing your success with all.

Sincerely, Susan Degnan