Friday, January 17, 2014



I could run, and not grow weary.
I could hug people without fear of pain.
I could sleep for more than 3 hours at a time.


I could easily cuddle next to my wife.
I could carry my son to bed.
I could go days with out pain medicine.


People didn't look at me with that look.
I could wrassle with my boy.
I could teach all day and not be tired.


I used to cook all of our meals.
I could hold on to cold things.
I was stronger, and faster.


I could hang on to my words.
I could track a conversation easily.
I didn't repeat myself.


I didn't know how caring people could be.
I didn't know I could put my trust in them.
I didn't think I could put myself out there.


I didn't realize how strong my wife could really be.
I didn't realize I had 3 best friends.
I didn't realize how much weight caring words could carry.


I didn't realize how much God loved me.
I didn't know he could use me this way.
I didn't know I could be this strong.


Authors note: this poem was not intended to be sad. It is simply meant to express the things I am feeling, and the hope that I have for a return to the things I love and care about.