Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The art of procrastinating. And other things I'll tell you some other time...

It's funny to look back at things I wrote. Unfortunately it's also depressing, and convicting.

The last time I blogged it was my birthday. I'll be honest - Since then I've been lazy in more ways then just blogging.

Perhaps it was the beginning of School. Perhaps it was completing a major running event, and my mindset changed.

Maybe I just need to get off my lazy arse and do something.

This year, I want to run another half marathon (Buffalo), and a full marathon (Rochester). They are far enough apart I can train for the half, take a little time to recover, then start training for the full.

The major drawback to all this is also going to involve losing the weight I have put back on. At my lightest 2 years ago I was 157. Since then I have crept back up to 190. I'll round that to 30 pounds. That is still miles from the 300 pounds I started at, I know. But I'm not happy about it. And it's not like I don't know what to do. Here are my problems:

I stay up too late.

I haven't been running. I had a week 2 weeks ago where I was doing good, but alas....

I eat too much. Usually when I stay up to late.

Please understand - I'm not looking for sympathy. But confession is good for the soul (or so I'm told by my lovely wife). So here's more:

I have been eating the foods I tell others to stay away from. I am positive that my brain reacts to sugar like an illegal drug. And I've never done illegal drugs.

I "steal" stuff from my son's snacks. I know. I'm evil.

Did I mention I eat too much? Seriously - I will eat past full, and beyond. My left brain says stop, and my right brain says "more".

I hate me sometimes.

My pants don't fit as well anymore. Neither do my shirts. I still get them on, but A little more effort is needed.

I hate the treadmill. Unfortunately, I think I need to suck it up and deal.

And that's a good thing to end on. Suck it up and deal.