Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wow...March, huh?

Don't hate me - the last time I posted was in March.  Here's some updates:

1.  I have been running consistently.
2.  I am training for a half-marathon on September 12th (it's for the arthritis foundation - sponsor me here:

3.  I have been having a little knee-pain, but it's manageable.
4.  I still constantly think about food.
5.  Yes, I still eat low carb.

I used to think I had to make these huge revelations here, but who has time?  Thoughts are good enough right?  Though I do hope to post soon about some revelations I have had about food.

Adam is still learning at an amazing rate.  We just wish he would use the P-O-T-T-Y.

Drop me a line, and let us know how you are.  Here something to get you started:

What inspires you to do what you do?  I know that I used to think being thinner was the key to happiness.  HAH!  I learned that the key to happiness is as elusive as a greased pig!  I am happiest when I am with my family, or when I am running, or when I am playing my instrument.