Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Humans learn by doing. As a teacher, especially in music, this is concept and process which is unavoidable. The only way for my students to learn how to play their instrument is to spend time doing it. No matter how much I can TELL them how to do something, they need to experience it in order to learn it.

They also need to learn what it feels like to play it INCORRECT. Unfortunately, some students do that every time they see me, because they don't spend time outside the lesson with the instrument.

Life is like that. If we don't do, whether right wrong, we will never learn at all. We often have to learn what something isn't before we can learn what it IS.

How many times did you do something the wrong way first, and then immediately know what to do to fix it? I'm sure you can think of some. But I'm also sure you can think of more where you erred multiple times before hitting the money!

No big revelations today. Just food for thought, I guess!

Posted by ShoZu

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