Monday, October 1, 2012

Crusts are for wimps.

Yup. I said it. I don't need no stinkin' crust!

Yesterday we celebrated my birthday (which is tomorrow), along with my sister-in-law's (which was a few days ago). When Lisa asked me what I wanted for dessert, I came up with "Crustless Pumpkin Pie." It was something I had made before, but she took the reigns, with a little help from me, to make it.

Eating the way I do (or should be, when I am a good boy), is tough. I exercise my right to say no to bread, sugar, pasta, candy, and the like. It 's easy to cave in and eat a bag of candy corn, or a big bag of trail mix, (belive me I've done both - sometimes on the same day) but hard to feel good later when my body goes into a carb crash.

So, yes, crusts are for wimps. I don't need some over-processed wheat product to hold in all that sugar-free pumpkin goodness!

Ya know what else is for wimps? Ignoring the fact that sometimes you need help; creating this crusty outside to the world, holding in what's really inside. It's the coward that doesn't share his heart, because he is afraid of what people will think. That's not to say that a man shouldn't be strong. It's not to say that we shouldn't be the guiding force in our families. But if its hard to speak the truth, admit our sins, and ask for help when we need it, doesn't it take a stronger man to do all that, than it does to hold it in?

I ask God for strength every day. He is my father, and is MY guiding hand, as I am for my son. I don't need no crusty outside to hold me in and make me feel strong. It's having the good stuff inside, Jesus, that makes me strong.

And...I said no to candy corn this morning. How's that for strong?

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