Monday, January 16, 2012

Yes. Yes I did.

I lost five pounds.  Between yesterday and today.  The caveat is that I won't tell you what the actual numbers are...

I am a self-proclaimed over-eater.  There is no doubt.  I can eat a whole bag (the big ones) of the Wal-Mart Great Value Mountain Trail Mix in a sitting.

Sometimes, my wife will notice things are gone in the morning.

"Did you eat [insert something I shouldn't eat here] last night?"

Rather than make something up (lie), rationalize (lie) or offer some explanation (lie), I just say...

"Yes.  Yes I did."

The easiest way for me to not do something (over-eat) is to not have the materials available to me.  Sometimes that's unavoidable - between October and January, there are 6 events which bring other foods into this house, between birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  Ugh.  It's tough, and I'm weak.

God calls on us to do the same thing, within reason.   He does not want us to fall into sin, but we are around sin, and he calls us to show the love of his Son to others.  He knows that we will sin, no matter what.  To paraphrase, if I may, a pastor at AFMC, "We will do our best not to let you down, but someday, we will fail you."  That is how it is with God (us failing him, not the other way around).  Thankfully he provided us a way out.

"Did you [insert something you should have done but didn't, or did but shouldn't have done] today?"

"Yes.  Yes I did.  I'm sorry.  Can you forgive me?"

"Yes.  It's already taken care of."

Coming soon..."Why God is like an iPhone..."

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