Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Looking ahead to the Past...

So where did the summer go? With my mind so clogged with thoughts about running the half, I think summer kind of passed me by. I mean, it always goes very quickly - 'tis the nature of the world I suppose. But honestly, I didn't think about school until yesterday. Yeah, I know - we started last Tuesday for the teachers, and Wednesday for kids (around here, anyway). But for me, my brain really kicked into gear yesterday. Probably why you, "faithful" reader (which, by the way, isn't hard to be when I only post like, once every 3 months...)..."SURPRISE!" get to read another entry so soon!

I had someone tell me after reading yesterday's post that I was an inspiration, and the coolest guy in the universe. Okay, maybe not the latter, but they did say I was an inspiration. But here's the thing (and skip this if you've heard me say this before)- that is not why I do this. At least, not when I started out, and I don't think I have strayed from that too much.

When I first started blogging, it was to keep everyone up to date on my life, because for some reason, I thought someone might care. And people do, but I also think I knew that my life was changing, and I wanted, needed, or was somehow charged with the responsibility of chronicling it...(i hope I spelled that right...).

So know you reap the benefits, however valuable they may be. For me, it is simply a way of getting off my chest the things which MEN so often have a hard time expressing to anyone. It's not that we don't want to - TRUST ME, there are times when I would like nothing more than to share what's going on inside my head - but I think many of the more upstanding gentlemen in the world find themselves in a chivalrous role when it comes to feelings - they don't want to burden others with something that should be their own to deal with.

Okay, that's all I got there.

On a Facebook status yesterday, someone wrote (I may not get this verbatim) -
"I believe in morality, which is doing what's right, regardless of what I am told...not in religion, which is doing what I am told, regardless of what is right."

I agree, to a point. And I am not a philosophical mastermind here, but you have to also take into account that the statement says "religion" which by definition is "a collection of practices, based on beliefs and teachings that are highly valued or sacred; Any practice that someone or some group is seriously devoted to."

I worship Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died for my sins, and is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. That statement alone guides my actions. I guess you could say that I am a religious person - I go to church every Sunday, at the same church, and I am a member of that church. But the Church, be it the building, the parent organization: the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, or the people within either one of those, does not serve as the north in my moral compass.

So that bears the question - where do we get a moral compass? Is it instilled in us from birth? Do animals in the wild have "morals?" I think that we are taught about morals by the people that serve as our mentors, whether it is parents or family, or pastors, or teachers, or friends.

Again, I am not a philosophical giant...I am sure that there are lots of strong arguments that could tear me apart. But what will always stand is my FAITH, not my religion. My faith is a belief that I should model myself after Jesus Christ. Look at it this way - who is the judge of morality - ourselves? That's got to be some kind of contradiction. I'd like to think that there is someone impartial to judge. Jesus said that he who is last will be first. Even the worst of sinners are accepted into the kingdom of Heaven, if the accept Jesus as their Savior. I think that some "Christians" believe this absolves them of doing what is right, because they can just "confesss" and be forgiven. This is the way of the old church. I do not hold any illusions (or is it allusions...?) as to the fact that I will sin for the rest of my life. But I know that I can be forgiven, and will be, because I accept that Jesus died for my sins. My faith may be different than someone else's and my morals may be different because of it. So - are my morals right, or are yours, or his, or theirs? What if your morals contradict mine?

The same person who posted the FB comment (and don't get me wrong, I respect this person - we just disagree on points of faith-related issues) participated in a lengthy FB discussion on the same subject, and I have to admit that I didn't have a lot to counter with. Perhaps if I was stronger in my faith, I would have. Will I ever be at that point? I don't know honestly, but I do know - God gave us the abilities to do many things, and he has a design for each of us - someone has to be there to challenge us, and if it's not your neighbor, it's a dear friend, or a despised colleague. Look around...who do you see?

OKAY - in other news...
I have decied to run another half marathon in May, provided I don't have a school commitment (which I shouldn't, being that the Buffalo half-marathon should be on a Sunday...).

I'm going to run some other 5k races, and try to knock out some other goals that I mentioned a while back:
1. Win my age group in a 5k (again)
2. Win a 5k (this one seems far out, but it could happen)
3. Drop a little weight (i'm comfortable where I am, but my racing weight should be a little lower)
4. Run a full marathon (this is a new one....we'll see how that goes...)

All right. Tomorrow brings another day, and mayhap, another entry?

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